Monday, February 12, 2024

Installing gems in PDK on airgapped/offline system without functional

 I ran into a problem recently installing gems in an offline system... I am not understanding something about how the `pdk bundle` setup creates it's cache directories.

If you try to do a `pdk bundle exec gem install ~/path/to/module.gem`, it will place it's cache files in ~/.gem/ruby, but the PDK expects it's files in ~/.pdk/cache/ruby/

I followed these basic steps to get it 'working' enough...

  1. Copy over .gem file and it's dependencies to the offline system to be able to do a local `gem install`
  2. Install it using `pdk bundle gem install ~/gems/*`
  3. Copy over the installed gems from ~/.gem to ~/.pdk/cache - `cp --no-clobber ~/.gem/ruby ~/.pdk/cache/`
  4. Update your Gemfile (in your PDK base directory) to include the gems you want to local install
  5. `pdk bundle install --local` to install the gems from the gemfile, but source them from the cache that you just manually populated.  
I'd love to know if there is a better way to do this!

Compare a whole file content with rspec-puppet

 I was attempting to use the entire body of a file for a quick and dirty 'golden master' style test while I was refactoring some things.

I ran into a problem with having a multi-line string representing the full body of my output - I would run into this problem after putting in something like the following( ):

Failure/Error: it { is contain_file('/mock/').with_content(multiline_content) }
  expected that the catalogue would contain File[/mock/] with content set to supplied string
    <The diff is empty, are your objects producing identical '#inspect' output?>

And my test looked something like this ...

file line one
file line two
file last line

on_supported_os.each do |os, os_facts|
  context "on #{os}" do
  it { contain_file('/mock/').with_content(my_content) }

Since I was unable to figure out a 'proper' solution (with and without the chomp) for this problem, I did the next best thing - I simply looped over each line of the file input, and made sure all the lines were in the content - this could give a false 'passing' as it doesn't prevent extra lines from being in there, or the line order isn't tracked, but it was 'good enough' for my short purpose

file line one
file line two
file last line

on_supported_os.each do |os, os_facts|
  context "on #{os}" do
  it {
    my_content.each_line do |line| contain_file('/mock/').with_content(/#{Regexp.quote(line)}/) 

Hope this helps someone, or perhaps someone see's this and can tell me what I'm doing wrong!