While trying to find solutions, my googleFu turned up a few lead that left me feeling like it could not be done.
The problem I had was if my MDF file extended IdentityAsserter, it would not contain a method to 'getControlFlag' to pass to the LoginModule.
I found this great example at http://danielveselka.blogspot.com/2011/10/weblogic-custom-identity-asserter.html. The only problem? He skirts around the same issue by manually assigning a constant value to the controlFlag that gets passed to the AppConfigurationEntry in the getConfiguration() method.
public void initialize(ProviderMBean mbean, SecurityServices services)
SimpleSampleIdentityAsserterMBean myMBean = (SimpleSampleIdentityAsserterMBean)mbean;
description = myMBean.getDescription() + "\n" + myMBean.getVersion();
controlFlag = LoginModuleControlFlag.SUFFICIENT;
private AppConfigurationEntry getConfiguration(HashMap options)
System.out.println("SimpleSampleIdentityAsserterProviderImpl: getConfiguration");
// make sure to specify the simple sample authenticator's login module
// and to use the control flag from the simple sample authenticator's mbean.
return new
In that example, he has the following in the MDF. If I had this, My MBean would not build with the getControlFlag() method.
Extends = "weblogic.management.security.authentication.IdentityAsserter"
If I extended the Authenticator, my assertIdentity() methods from the IdentityAsserter would never get called, but I WOULD have the getControlFlag() method
Extends = "weblogic.management.security.authentication.Authenticator"
Turns out this is an easy fix. There is an attribute value for Implements in the MDF Element Syntax. Having an MBeanType similar to the following solved my problem!
<MBeanType Name = "SimpleSampleIdentityAsserter" DisplayName = "SimpleSampleIdentityAsserter" Package = "examples.security.providers.identityassertion.simple" Extends = "weblogic.management.security.authentication.IdentityAsserter"
Implements = "weblogic.management.security.authentication.Authenticator"
PersistPolicy = "OnUpdate" >
This allows it to implement all the features of both, but be a single entry that you can add to your weblogic security realm.
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